
Bramble was selected to represent Team GB&NI at the World Transplant Games in Perth but was unable to afford the costs. We awarded Bramble the funds to pursue his dream.

Bramble says "I've had a liver transplant and a range of other life threatening illnesses throughout my life, one of them being PTLD (post transplant cancer) and obviously I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the people around me and none more important to my survival than my mum, who is a actually my liver donor. Despite this I still hold two world records at the World Transplant Games from 2019 and I continue to get better and train, I strive to improve at my sport and give hope to other transplant recipients who are less fortunate than me; however I wouldn't be able to do that if it wasn't for the Starr Trust."

Updates from Bramble

Bramble says:

"I feel so happy and inspired to compete. It has also motivated me even more than I was, I look forward to being the best I can be and even finish on the podium in adults and smashing my personal best times."

Updates from Bramble

July 2024

We continued funding Bramble’s training and competition fees to allow him to compete in the British Transplant Games in Nottingham and then the World Transplant Games in Dresden.

July 2023

Bramble competed for Team GB in the World Transplant Games in April, winning two Gold and one Bronze medal, a fantastic achievement!

Bramble says

"Going to Perth to compete on Team GB at The World Transplant Games was next level amazing. I loved training at BHAC and the strength and conditioning at Ascend with Matt Dickens. The extra training and spikes really helped and paid off as I placed Gold in the Men's 100m, Bronze in the 200m and Gold on Mens 4x100m relay where we also took the Transplant Games World Record!

Being part of the team was great and I was inspired by my fellow athletes. To be amongst peers who have also had transplants normalises it for me. I made many friends from other countries, and lots from Australia that i met competing in the basketball. So much so that I have been visiting them at their homes in Sydney and I'm currently staying with one of them with their family just outside Sydney. I have a job and I'm hoping to save up to travel a bit and also restart going to the gym and track here, where I can hopefully do athletics training ready for The British Transplant Games and then The World Transplant Games in 2025 for Team GB again.

Without your funding support I would not have been able to take part in this amazing international competition so thank you very much for your support. And thanks also to my amazing mum who I'm eternally grateful for donating some liver to me and giving me another chance at life. I hope lots of people will join the organ donor register as none of us would be here without organ donation. Thanks again."

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